about Roots Gallery

The Roots Gallery was founded by Lilian Schmidt in Hamburg-Winterhude in 2012 and has set itself the goal of bringing the art of the indigenous people of Australia closer to a broad public in Germany and Europe.

In cooperation with our partners from Australia, we will organize several exhibitions in Hamburg every year in the future, with the focus on the presentation of individual artists and special regions. We are a member of the Indigenous Art Code organization, which sets ethical standards and ensures fair trade in Australian artists.

Our exhibition "Dreamings" on the subject of Aboriginal Art in the Ernst Barlach Museum Hamburg-Wedel from August to December 2013 aroused great media interest. The exhibition was a great success and was extended by another 2 months due to the high number of visitors. Media interest was overwhelming. The Hamburger Abendblatt newspaper devoted a whole page to the exhibition in the culture section of the newspaper, and specialist magazines such as the art magazine “art” were also enthusiastic.

Based on these experiences, we were and are firmly convinced that the fascinating works of art of the Aborigines will have a permanent place in the German art scene in the years to come. And to promote this development, our first exhibition in our own gallery opens on November 30th, 2014 with two stars of the Australian art scene. All further information about the exhibition can be found here.

We would be very happy to welcome you to our gallery to give you exciting insights into the dream worlds of the Aborigines.

Sincerely yours,
Lilian Schmidt



Paintings from Central Desert and Yuendumu

The exhibition took place from 07.07.2016 to 16.07.2016 in the Roots Gallery at Ulmenstrasse 41 in Hamburg

Kudditji Kngwarreye and other artists from Utopia

The exhibition opened on July 25, 2015 at Bar Italia, Eppendorfer Landstrasse 61, Hamburg

Paintings from Central Desert

The exhibition took place from July 24th, 2015 to July 1st, 2015 in the Roots Gallery at Ulmenstrasse 41 in Hamburg

Kudditji Kngwarreye, Sarrita King – two stars of aboroginal art

The exhibition took place from November 30th, 2014 to December 7th, 2014 in the Roots Gallery at Ulmenstrasse 41 in Hamburg

Dreamings – Malerei der Australischen Aborigines

The exhibition took place from August 25th, 2013 to January 1st, 2014 in the Ernst Barlach Haus in Hamburg